Safe Driving in the Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands are a wonderful place to live. Small, friendly and easy to get around. One of the most unique parts of the Cayman Islands is that we welcome people from all places in the world with residents from over 140 different countries. Whilst that makes for a wonderful melting pot of culture, art, food and sport, it can also make driving in the Cayman Islands a little bit confusing as everyone moves here with different ideas and rules about how to drive. 

Hurleys Media is using all of its channels to reach out to listeners to help spread the word on how to drive safely in the Cayman Islands. 

We will cover topics such as: 

  • Roundabouts 
  • Distracted Driving
  • Seatbelts
  • Speeding 
  • Lane discipline
  • DUI 
  • Indicators

The first thing to remember is that in the Cayman Islands all cars drive on the left. This means that when approaching roundabouts, you always give way to the right. This also means when you are travelling on a multi-lane highway, you always stay in the left-hand lane unless you are passing another vehicle. We will cover all of these topics in more detail in further posts as well as radio PSA's on


Bob FM,

Irie FM

and Rooster 101.9 FM

as well as TV commercials on Cayman 27.

In the meantime, if you need more information, please reach out to the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, the National Roads Authority or the Department of Vehicles and Drivers Licensing




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